Cyclamen europaeum nasal spray

How safe is cyclamen europaeum?

Cyclamen is UNSAFE for use by mouth. Symptoms of stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea have been reported with doses as low as 300 mg. High doses can cause poisoning, with symptoms including spasms and serious breathing problems. Cyclamen is POSSIBLY SAFE for use as a nose spray.

What is cyclamen extract?

The frozen, dried, natural fluid extract of the Cyclamen europaeum plant delivered intranasally is thought to have beneficial effects in relieving congestion by facilitating nasal drainage, and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

What is Nasodren?

An extract of the tuber has been used for sinusitis in the form of nasal spray known as Nasodren and Sinuforte (Micromedex 2.0).

Do bees like cyclamen?

That makes it easy for the bees to access pollen. … Bumblebee on cyclamen flower. To keep the cyclamen plants flowering, you need to remove the seedheads.

What cyclamen means?

Symbolism. Cyclamen symbolises the empathetic, devoted heart, and was therefore planted beside old monasteries, ribats (Islamic monasteries, a sort of fortress) and churchyards in the countries around the Mediterranean. In Japan the Cyclamen is the holy flower of love.

Are cyclamen corms?

Cyclamens have corm-like tubers or bulbs. These bulbs can become so overgrown that they basically choke each other out.

Is cyclamen pollinator friendly?

Plants for free Over time, Cyclamen coum will self sow, making delightful carpets of leaves and flowers. Generally the individual flowers don't self-pollinate as the pollen in each flower ripens well before the stigma is receptive. Bees are the most common pollinators.

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